EAD helped to manage and design the expansion of a fuel production facility of a biofuels producer located near the Missouri River. Our client’s new storage facility held 1.5 million gallons of finished product and stored hazardous chemicals. EAD was responsible for designing the structural steel work to facilitate access to the top of the tank and the utility racking. EAD soon discovered that performing the structural design would not be an easy task. The amount of elevated work in the operating facility created logistical and safety challenges. EAD’s safety experts worked to customize Construction Protocols for our client to ensure the work could be performed safely in the unique construction environment.
Client: Midwest Biofuels Producer
Location: Midwest US
Market(s) Served: Renewable Fuels
- Structural Engineering
- Project Management
The geological conditions at the site were also sub-grade as a result of the site’s close proximity to the Missouri River and its prior use as a railyard. Rather than requiring our client to spend extra time and money to remove and replace the contaminated soil, EAD engineered rammed aggregate piers which were installed on-site. The biofuels producer was very satisfied with the result, Especially because the EAD engineered solution expedited the project construction schedule, allowing the concrete installers and steel erectors to begin the work sooner.
Client Manager – “From beginning to end, EAD’s execution, communication, project and vendor management was excellent!”